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Revisiting the 'Once Famous' titles in hopes of 2018 publication!

I originally posted this layout under the Books page of this website, under the impression that the books would be published by EPIC Press in Fall 2017. But due to unforeseen complications, the series has been postponed and temporarily removed from the pipeline. That said, here are the plot synopses for all six Once Famous titles -- which amounted to around 190,000 words across six installments. With luck, the books will be published in late 2018. In the meantime, here's what you need to know about Tom Brooks's adventures:

Series Plot

Once Famous will include six titles, all of which follow Tom Brooks as he goes from northern New Jersey to Hollywood, to London, to Atlantic City, and back to Hollywood. Along the way, he will encounter a scandalous talent agency, a lack of film roles, dejection, a skewed love triangle, and the influence of an elderly product of Hollywood's studio era.

Shadow Agents (Once Famous Book #1)


Book one of the Once Famous series finds Tom Brooks being recruited in New York by Sloan, a shadowy figure from a Hollywood talent agency. Brooks continues to obsess over the film industry, and he's able to focus that energy on the craft when Sloan and his boss's assistant send Brooks to Hollywood to audition. There, he'll meet a stuffed-animal-loving "fixer" named Carny, the aging TV host Ron Seidon, and The Flyleaf Hotel's greeter, Jessica. Most importantly, though, somewhere amongst these "shadow agents" lies J. Whitmore, self-proclaimed Hollywood staple, who's looking for a new client.


Will Brooks be able to showcase his talent enough? Will the enigmatic J. Whitmore be hooked? Will Brooks make his film debut?​

The Price of Stardom (Once Famous Book #2)


Book two of the Once Famous series picks up as Curators is being filmed. Brooks, aka Reptilian, encounters some trouble as his agent, Joel Whitmore, becomes increasingly distant and secretive. Brooks grows closer to the Flyleaf Hotel's receptionist, Jessica Donati, and thinks he's found a friend and confidant in Sloan. But Hollywood is never as easy as it looks. Brooks gets pushed to take a loan to pay for a Beverly Hills house, and must face the wrath of a different breed: film critics.


From the outset, Brooks does not know who to turn to, for question marks hide behind every L.A. street corner. When Jessica's own personal struggles drive her to hang out with a rebellious group in Koreatown, Brooks follows along at her heels.


But can Frye's father, Bob, snap Brooks out of this funk? Will Joel Whitmore have his way -- as he's had throughout his career? Will the mysterious fortune teller, Bella Nejem, become Brooks' "compass?"


Happy Medium (Once Famous Book #3)

Book three of the Once Famous series finds Tom Brooks handling a tough "creative decision" from the Curators crew. Ron Seidon appears to be taking sides as he does Whitmore's bidding; still, Brooks tries to cut his losses and leave Joel Whitmore's service. Thanks to his grandpa, Pat, Brooks has a shot to leave Joel for good, and the parties clash at Brooks' former home, the Flyleaf Hotel. Meanwhile, Jessica has dug into the "loitering" lifestyle and has managed to lasso Brooks in, putting him in contact with the head Loiterer, Myeong.


Will Joel Whitmore let Brooks go? If so, at what cost? Where will he go when he's too fed up with the gilded city of L.A.? Will the Fryes stop him or hold him back?

Studio Era (Once Famous Book #4)


Book four of the Once Famous series picks up as Brooks tests his will on a new movie set in London. He has to face the wrath of a disgruntled Whitmore empire, a curious Nomad gangster named Pug, and his own inner demons. He'll come in contact with a colorful new character in the city who has a connection to Bella Nejem and seems to thrive at night, within the darkened flora of the city parks.

By the time he returns to the U.S., he'll come to a crossroads that will require a well-informed decision. Prepare to get to know Brooks now more than ever, as he attempts to sail through troubled waters. Interiority is a common feature in Book Four, although Brooks has a fair share of "high-concept" characters to confront and various overt conflicts to address.

The Mountaintop (Once Famous Book #5)


Book five of the Once Famous series involves Brooks's realization that a part of his problem lies within the walls of his home, the Labyrinth. He accepts that in order to begin a new chapter of his life, he must leave the Whitmore-stained mansion. Perhaps he must leave acting for good, too.

But a surprise visit from a New Jersey friend boosts his spirits, and somehow this octogenarian coaxes Brooks enough to get him to attend a group therapy session called "the Mountaintop," led by a helpful UCLA professor, Dr. Meskarian, and his star student, Laura Meadows. With surprises at every Mountaintop meeting, Brooks will continue to navigate the actor's lifestyle and the L.A. underworld.

Be sure to catch up with Brooks's latest adventures as Jessica doubles down on her "loitering" efforts and Brooks desperately tries to cut the proverbial cord (binding him to her). Frye, Bella, Sloan, and others make a comeback in this quick-moving and dramatic book.

Within Our Shadows (Once Famous Book #6)


Book six of the Once Famous series begins at the fictional L.A. hospital of Mt. Misterhall, as Tom Brooks attempts to check in on his dear friend who's suffered an untimely medical setback. As Brooks begins to cope with it, he's also pushed to develop the script for Once Famous, and quickly. The Indie film being produced is about his life in "Tinseltown," and is being directed by Brooks's all-time favorite actor, an icon of the noir genre, Hank Morgan.


As each scene for his film comes to life, from both vivid and timeworn memories, Brooks must decide between embracing or exiling his one-time love interest, Jessica Donati. Meanwhile, the red-haired girl from his Mountaintop meetings, Laura Meadows, continues to show an interest in Brooks.


As this strange love triangle becomes more complicated with each passing day, Brooks also tries to make amends with his mother, Jane. Meanwhile, he combats J. Whitmore's final push for its one million dollars and the Loiterers' hope to appropriate Brooks's house on North Canon, the Labyrinth.

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